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Health Care (Aging) « Aging Issues

Elderly healthcare




Articles, Organizations and Resources
re: Health Care for People Who are Elderly




Articles & Publications re: Health Care for Elderly

  • 5 Tips for Taking an Elderly Patient to the Emergency Room (UNC Health Care)
    For many older adults, emergency departments can be difficult to navigate. Kevin Biese, associate professor of emergency medicine and internal medicine at UNC, and Jan Busby-Whitehead, professor and chief of geriatric medicine at UNC and director of the UNC Center for Aging and Health, share these important steps you can take to help the older adult you are caring for get the care they need and deserve.
  • Advance Care Planning Fact Sheet
    Advance care planning helps you make your care decisions now and in the future. Planning involves learning about your illness and understanding your choices for treatments and care.
  • Aging Parents: 8 Warning Signs of Health Problems (Mayo Clinic)
    Concerned about your aging parents' health? Use this guide to gauge how your aging parents are doing — and what to do if they need help.
  • Creating Sustainable Health and Care Systems in Ageing Societies (The Global Health Policy Summit)
    This report developes an Ageing and Health Sustainability Framework of key actions and innovations that will help countries assess and enhance the robustness of their health systems.
  • Making Your Printed Health Materials Senior Friendly (National Institute on Aging)
    Health information can be particularly difficult to understand and act upon, even for the most capable person. There are some special considerations when developing written materials for older people. 
  • Most Healthcare Surrogates Still Doing a BAD, BAD Job (8/27/17)
    Numerous studies for decades have demonstrated that surrogates fail to make the same healthcare decisions that patients would have made for themselves if they still had capacity.

Organizations re: Health Care for Elderly

  • American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Foundation for Health In Aging
    A national non-profit organization whose aim is to build a bridge between the research and practice of geriatrics and the public, and to advocate on behalf of older adults and their special health care needs.
  • Institute on Aging 
    Institute on Aging is a San Francisco, CA-based non-profit dedicated to preserving the dignity, independence, and well-being of aging adults and people living with disabilities.
  • National Institute on Aging
    NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of National Institutes on Health (NIH), leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.